--- title: "Two-sided tolerance factor for linear regression" author: "Stéphane Laurent" date: '2017-07-23' tags: R, Rcpp, statistics, maths rbloggers: yes output: md_document: variant: markdown preserve_yaml: true html_document: keep_md: no highlighter: pandoc-solarized --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, collapse = TRUE, fig.path="figures/regtol-") ``` We denote by $\chi^2_{\nu, \lambda}(p)$ the $100p\%$-quantile of the non-central Chi-squared distribution $\chi^2_{\nu, \lambda}$ with degrees of freedom number $\nu$ and non-centrality parameter $\lambda$. As shown in Krishnamoorthy & Mathew's book, the two-sided $(p, 1-\alpha)$-tolerance factor for a linear regression model is the solution $k$ of the equation $$ \frac{2}{d}\int_0^\infty \Pr\left(\chi^2_\ell > \frac{\ell\chi^2_{1,x^2}(p)}{k^2} \right) \phi\left(\frac{x}{d}\right) \mathrm{d}x = 1-\alpha $$ where $\ell$ is the corank of the $X$ matrix, and $d$ is a number calculated from the desired values of the predictors (as we will see on the example). Below we provide a `Rcpp` implementation of the integral. We use the `boost` library (offered by the `BH` package) to evaluate the integrand, and the package [`RcppNumerical`](https://github.com/yixuan/RcppNumerical) to evaluate the integral, after transforming this integral to an integral on $(0,1)$. ```cpp // [[Rcpp::depends(BH)]] // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppEigen)]] // [[Rcpp::depends(RcppNumerical)]] #include using namespace Numer; #include using namespace Rcpp; #include #include #include #include // [[Rcpp::export]] double integrand(double u, double l, double p, double k, double d){ double x = u/(1-u); double q = boost::math::quantile(boost::math::non_central_chi_squared(1, x*x), p); double pchisq = boost::math::cdf(boost::math::complement(boost::math::chi_squared(l), l*q/k/k)); double w = 2*boost::math::pdf(boost::math::normal(0, d), x); return w * pchisq / ((1-u)*(1-u)); } class Integrand: public Func { private: double l; double p; double k; double d; public: Integrand(double l_, double p_, double k_, double d_) : l(l_), p(p_), k(k_), d(d_) {} double operator()(const double& u) const { return integrand(u, l, p, k, d); } }; // [[Rcpp::export]] Rcpp::NumericVector integral(double l, double p, double k, double d){ Integrand f(l, p, k, d); double err_est; int err_code; const double res = integrate(f, 0, 1, err_est, err_code); Rcpp::NumericVector out = Rcpp::NumericVector::create(res); out.attr("err_est") = err_est; out.attr("err_code") = err_code; return out; } ``` ## Example We test our function on Example 3.1 of Krishnamoorthy & Mathew's book. We firstly calculate the value of $d$. ```{r} dat <- data.frame( x1 = c(80, 93, 100, 82, 90, 99, 81, 96, 94, 93, 97, 95, 100, 85, 86, 87), x2 = c(8, 9, 10, 12, 11, 8, 8, 10, 12, 11, 13, 11, 8, 12, 9, 12), y = c(2256, 2340, 2426, 2293, 2330, 2368, 2250, 2409, 2364, 2379, 2440, 2364, 2404, 2317, 2309, 2328) ) fit <- lm(y ~ x1+x2, data=dat) X <- model.matrix(fit) H <- chol2inv(chol(t(X)%*%X)) # inverse of X'X ## we want the tolerance interval at x1=88 and x2=9 xnew <- c(1, 88, 9) d <- sqrt(c(t(xnew) %*% H %*% matrix(xnew))) ``` No we solve the equation. The `Rcpp` function `integral` is available in a package I called `regtolerance`. ```{r} f <- function(k, l, p, d, alpha){ regtolerance:::integral(l, p, k, d) - (1-alpha) } ## Calculation of the (0.9, 0.95)-tolerance factor ( k <- uniroot(f, l=nrow(dat)-3, p=0.9, d=d, alpha=0.05, lower=2, upper=3)$root ) ``` Now we get the tolerance interval as follows: ```{r} estimates <- fit$coefficients yhat <- c(t(xnew) %*% matrix(estimates)) yhat + c(-1,1)*k*sigma(fit) ``` ## Bounding the tolerance factor ### Lower bound For a fixed number of degrees of freedom, the Chi-squared distribution is stochastically increasing in its non-centrality parameter. Therefore $$ \frac{2}{d}\int_0^\infty \Pr\left(\chi^2_\ell > \frac{\ell\chi^2_{1,x^2}(p)}{k^2} \right) \phi\left(\frac{x}{d}\right) \mathrm{d}x \leq \Pr\left(\chi^2_\ell > \frac{\ell\chi^2_{1}(p)}{k^2} \right) $$ Thus, the value of $k$ satisfying $$ \Pr\left(\chi^2_\ell > \frac{\ell\chi^2_{1}(p)}{k^2} \right) = 1-\alpha $$ is lower than the tolerance factor. ```{r} l <- nrow(dat)-3 p <- 0.9 alpha <- 0.05 # lower bound sqrt(l*qchisq(p,1)/qchisq(1-alpha, l, lower.tail=FALSE)) ``` ```{r lowerBound} curve(Vectorize(regtolerance:::integral)(l, p, x, d), from=0.1, to=4, ylim=c(0,1)) curve(pchisq(l*qchisq(p,1)/x^2, l, lower.tail=FALSE), add=TRUE, col="red") ``` ### Upper bound The Lee & Mathew approximation of $k$ is known to be generally higher than $k$. It is returned by the function `kLM` below. ```{r} kLM <- function(p, alpha, l, d){ e <- (1+d^2)^2/d^4 f <- d^4/(1+d^2) delta <- d^2*((3*d^2+sqrt(9*d^4+6*d^2+3))/(2*d^2+1)) sqrt(e*f/(1+delta)*qchisq(p, 1, delta)*qf(1-alpha, e, l)) } kLM(p, alpha, l, d) ``` ### Put things together ```{r} p = 0.9 alpha = 0.05 xnew = c(1, 88, 9) X <- model.matrix(fit) H <- chol2inv(chol(t(X)%*%X)) d <- sqrt(c(t(xnew) %*% H %*% matrix(xnew))) l <- nrow(X)-ncol(X) k_low <- sqrt(l*qchisq(p,1)/qchisq(alpha, l)) k_upp <- kLM(p, alpha, l, d) ( k <- uniroot(f, l = l, p = p, d = d, alpha = alpha, lower = k_low, upper = k_upp, extendInt = "upX")$root ) ``` # References Krishnamoorthy & Mathew (2009). *Statistical Tolerance Regions*. Wiley.